Maya Gram AI Influencer & Model

Maya Gram AI Influencer & Model

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been on everyone’s lips in today’s world. Through this technological advancement, creatives have further narrowed the gap between the virtual and real worlds. Among the technology’s top applications is the fashion, marketing, and entertainment industries.

One of the popular AI creations is virtual humans. Depending on the purpose of the creation, the target audience, and the creator’s preferences, the computer generated being may be founded on the principle of surrealism or hyperrealism.  

Maya Gram AI model was made based on the latter principle. The result is a virtual being who can pass for a real face. She has grown from an experiment to a popular brand working with top companies. In this article, it will be interesting to take a look at the journey of Maya Gram model since her introduction in 2020.

As is the case with other influencers, her social media content will be helpful at giving insight on who Maya Gram AI influencer is and what she stands for.  Indeed, her social media platforms act as an interface between her as a computer generated being and the human world.

Who is Maya Gram AI Influencer & Model

 A look at her Instagram, which is one of her main social media platforms, shows a young female model with a love for sporty fashion. These aspects, coupled with her decent following online, begs the question, who is Maya Gram?

Maya Gram  is an AI model who has grown into a brand capturing the attention of the public and companies in equal measure. Interestingly, her identity is linked to a region rather than a specific country. This is different from most virtual humans whose character is made to fit an individual from a specific nation.

In the case of AI influencer Maya Gram, she represents the broader region of Southeast Asia. Her creator made this move to test the prior limits of a single virtual model.

In an interview, UM Studios & Ensemble Worldwide’s CEO, Amit Sutha stated, “Maya is an influencer at heart. She is relatable to consumers because her followers have had a first-hand look at her life from conception.”

Subsequently, Maya Gram AI model has been successful at nurturing an emotional connection with the target audience. It is this relatability that has yielded a thriving partnership with such a top brand as PUMA.

Is Maya Gram Real or Fake?

AI and CGI technology make it possible for a creative to give life to a robot. The resultant being can look and act like a typical human.

In the case of Maya Gram, she is seen enjoying Southeast Asian meals, hanging out with friends, and even relaxing in bed. In one instance, she is offering hacks on how to clean suede shoes using toothpaste. In another, she is hanging out and taking notes from a human digital creator on content creation. So, is Maya Gram real?

No, she is a computer generated being. In fact, her creator does not hide this fact from the public. To begin with, she is described as a virtual girl on her Instagram bio.  Besides, in her initial social media posts, she is presented as a robot being programmed.

Even so, Maya Gram fake nature does not deter her from connecting with humans. The fact that PUMA chose her to be the ambassador of its Future Rider sneakers in Southeast Asia proves this point.

Yes, there is still a place for human influencers. However, their virtual counterparts have proven to be just as capable. If it was a human influencer, their appearance would not necessarily represent the entire Southeast Asia. With Maya Gram, she is able to overcome this limitation via AI. In turn, she has attracted a broad fanbase.

Who Created Maya Gram?

Social media presents Maya Gram as a young female of Asian descent . Her engagements and life in general is relatable to Millenials and Gen Z across the world. From hanging out with friends to enjoying a home workout, the virtual model has perfectly gelled into the human world. So, who created Maya Gram?

UM Studios & Ensemble Worldwide is the brain behind the computer generated influencer. In regards to the inspiration behind the AI creation, Sutha noted, “As an agency, we’ve always been interested in the idea of creating a virtual influencer. When the prospect of an influencer-based campaign presented itself with PUMA, we jumped at the opportunity.”

In partnership with PUMA, the aforementioned agency used a social media AI platform, SoMin to map numerous Southeast Asian faces. This was the foundation that made it possible to generate a realistic virtual being from that geographical location. 

Maya Gram creator acknowledges that it took multiple techniques and a team of experts to generate a human-like being. For them, it was ‘a learning process every step of the way’. Sutha further elaborated on the process indicating, “We crowdsourced features for Maya’s face, while simultaneously rendering it…Her personality also has a complex number of layers and was developed using AI technology, with her story completely evolving in real time.”

As a being of Southeast Asia, she has been programmed with that audience in mind. Her interests and youthfulness also helps to capture the attention of the younger generation in other parts of the world. At the moment, she is working as a PUMA ambassador. However, her creator noted that she has the potential to work with other companies as long as the brand matches her character and values.  

Maya Gram Images & Videos

The world of social media influencing is founded on pictures and videos. While an influencer can incorporate words to promote a certain idea, trend, or product, it is the well-curated photos and videos that attract the target audience. In fact, in some cases, the individual does not have to include a caption.

A look at Maya Gram’s social media sites substantiates this assertion. The images and videos on her online platforms are a crucial part of her role as a PUMA ambassador. They define her character, interests, and values.

Maya Gram Images

As aforementioned, Maya Gram images tell the story of who she is and what she’s all about. On her Instagram page, which is her primary social media site, the initial posts are of her creation. It was her creator’s approach of introducing the virtual being to the public. This was then followed by her presentation as a PUMA ambassador.

The subsequent images are of her typical life as a virtual human. From the posted Maya Gram photos, one can tell that she’s into a sporty fashion style. She also enjoys other activities that are typical of a young female. This includes hanging out with her friends at different setups.

Her origin is also evident in her images. For instance, in one of the pictures pinned above, she is enjoying a typical South east Asian breakfast comprising a Kaya butter toast, cup of Kopi, and a half boiled egg.

Maya Gram Videos

Just like her photos, Maya Gram videos give the public an insight into her life as a virtual influencer in a human world. Granted, her content largely consists of images with a few videos.

In a Maya Gram video pinned above, the virtual human together with some other models are transported into the virtual world. In this PUMA advert dubbed ‘enter Rider World’, the interaction of the virtual and real worlds is evident.

Evidently, her social media content is largely of her work as a PUMA ambassador. This is different from some other virtual influencers who aim at maintaining a balance between sponsored content and posts meant just to connect with the fans.

As Maya Gram’s brand grows further, it will be interesting to see if her creator is keen on maintaining the aforementioned balance. On the one hand, attracting a number of commercial partnerships is a viable measure of success for the influencer. However, imbalance in the type of content may result in marketing fatigue for her followers.

Social Media Sites

Maya Gram’s life is a perfect example of how social media has evolved beyond just a platform for people from across the globe to socialize. It has grown into a broad and lucrative marketplace; birthing the multi-billion industry of social media influencing. AI sex chatbots has further revolutionized this space, enabling influencers like Maya to engage with their audiences more personally and efficiently, creating deeper connections and driving even greater success.

A typical influencer, both virtual and real, uses social media to post well-curated content that the target audience can relate to. A look at Maya Gram’s images and videos on various social media sites gives an insight on what makes her an ideal ambassador for PUMA and other potential brands.

Maya Gram Instagram

Maya Gram Instagram page is her primary social media platform. The content on this site tells the story of how a computer generated model has been able to thrive in the human world. The initial pictures on her page are of the ‘programming phase’. In one of the photos, there is a complex tech setup with the words ‘MAYA NEEDS HELP’ on the computer screen. The image is accompanied by a caption reading in part, “…My database is loaded and I’ve chosen Southeast Asia as my co-op.”

Maya Gram TikTok

Maya Gram TikTok account does not exist at the moment. However, this might change with time as her fanbase increases and more brands seek to partner with her. At the moment, one can still interact with the virtual influencer via other social media sites like Instagram.

Maya Gram Twitter

Twitter is one of the popular social media platforms for most virtual influencers. In regards to its rules, it is not as conservative and strict as with other sites like Instagram. This is helpful for influencers whose sexual attractiveness is a major part of their character. For instance, it is common to see a photo of a female model in a bikini or provocative outfits on the platform. Nonetheless, Maya Gram Twitter account does not exist at the moment. It may be something that her creator will consider in the near future as her brand continues to grow.

Maya Gram YouTube

Maya Gram YouTube channel is non-existent at the moment. However, this may change in the near future as more people embrace the world of virtual influencers. Besides, as the AI model evolves, she may take up other forms of artistry; an aspect that would further warrant her presence on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Maya Gram Website

Maya Gram website does not exist at the moment. Notably, the link on her Instagram bio redirects her followers to PUMA’s website. As more brands get into partnerships with the influencer, her creator may develop a website containing detailed information about her works and character.